Download PCPP1 -Certified Professional in Python Programming 1.PCPP-32-101.VCEplus.2023-05-20.45q.vcex

Vendor: Python Institute
Exam Code: PCPP-32-101
Exam Name: PCPP1 -Certified Professional in Python Programming 1
Date: May 20, 2023
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Question 1
Select the true statement about composition
  1. Composition extends a class's capabilities by adding new components and modifying the existing ones.
  2. Composition allows a class to be projected as a container of different classes
  3. Composition is a concept that promotes code reusability while inheritance promotes encapsulation.
  4. Composition is based on the has a relation: so it cannot be used together with inheritance.
Correct answer: B
Composition is an object-oriented design concept that models a has-a relationship. In composition, a class known as composite contains an object of another class known as component. In other words, a composite class has a component of another class1.1. Composition allows a class to be projected as a container of different classes.Composition is a concept in Python that allows for building complex objects out of simpler objects, by aggregating one or more objects of another class as attributes. The objects that are aggregated are generally considered to be parts of the whole object, and the containing object is often viewed as a container for the smaller objects.In composition, objects are combined in a way that allows for greater flexibility and modifiability than what inheritance can offer. With composition, it is possible to create new objects by combining existing objects, by using a container object to host other objects. By contrast, with inheritance, new objects extend the behavior of their parent classes, and are limited by that inheritance hierarchy.Reference:Official Python documentation onComposition: article on Composition vs Inheritance: Python article on Composition and Inheritance:
Composition is an object-oriented design concept that models a has-a relationship. In composition, a class known as composite contains an object of another class known as component. In other words, a composite class has a component of another class1.
1. Composition allows a class to be projected as a container of different classes.
Composition is a concept in Python that allows for building complex objects out of simpler objects, by aggregating one or more objects of another class as attributes. The objects that are aggregated are generally considered to be parts of the whole object, and the containing object is often viewed as a container for the smaller objects.
In composition, objects are combined in a way that allows for greater flexibility and modifiability than what inheritance can offer. With composition, it is possible to create new objects by combining existing objects, by using a container object to host other objects. By contrast, with inheritance, new objects extend the behavior of their parent classes, and are limited by that inheritance hierarchy.
Official Python documentation on
Composition: article on Composition vs Inheritance:
Real Python article on Composition and Inheritance:
Question 2
Analyze the following snippet and select the statement that best describes it.
  1. The code is an example of implicitly chained exceptions.
  2. The code is erroneous as the OwnMath class does not inherit from any Exception type class
  3. The code is fine and the script execution is not interrupted by any exception.
  4. The code is an example of explicitly chained exceptions.
Correct answer: D
In the given code snippet, an instance of OwnMath exception is raised with an explicitly specified __cause__ attribute that refers to the original exception (ZeroDivisionError). This is an example of explicitly chaining exceptions in Python.
In the given code snippet, an instance of OwnMath exception is raised with an explicitly specified __cause__ attribute that refers to the original exception (ZeroDivisionError). This is an example of explicitly chaining exceptions in Python.
Question 3
Analyze the following snippet and choose the best statement that describes it.
  1. self. name is the name of a class variable.
  2. varl is the name of a global variable
  3. Excalibur is the value passed to an instance variable
  4. Weapon is the value passed to an instance variable
Correct answer: C
The correct answer is C. Excalibur is the value passed to an instance variable. In the given code snippet, is an instance variable of the Sword class. When an instance of the Sword class is created with varl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value 'Excalibur' is passed as an argument to the __init__ method and assigned to the name instance variable of the varl object.The code defines a class called Sword with an __init__ method that takes one parameter name.When a new instance of the Sword class is created with varl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value of the 'Excalibur' string is passed as an argument to the __init__ method, and assigned to the instance variable of the varl object.Reference:Official Python documentation on Classes:
The correct answer is C. Excalibur is the value passed to an instance variable. In the given code snippet, is an instance variable of the Sword class. When an instance of the Sword class is created with varl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value 'Excalibur' is passed as an argument to the __init__ method and assigned to the name instance variable of the varl object.
The code defines a class called Sword with an __init__ method that takes one parameter name.
When a new instance of the Sword class is created with varl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value of the 'Excalibur' string is passed as an argument to the __init__ method, and assigned to the instance variable of the varl object.
Official Python documentation on Classes:
Question 4
The following snippet represents one of the OOP pillars Which one is that?
  1. Serialization
  2. Inheritance
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Polymorphism
Correct answer: C
The given code snippet demonstrates the concept of encapsulation in object-oriented programming.Encapsulation refers to the practice of keeping the internal state and behavior of an object hidden from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. In the given code snippet, the __init__ and get_balance methods provide a public interface for interacting with instances of the BankAccount class, while the __balance attribute is kept hidden from the outside world by using a double underscore prefix.
The given code snippet demonstrates the concept of encapsulation in object-oriented programming.
Encapsulation refers to the practice of keeping the internal state and behavior of an object hidden from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. In the given code snippet, the __init__ and get_balance methods provide a public interface for interacting with instances of the BankAccount class, while the __balance attribute is kept hidden from the outside world by using a double underscore prefix.
Question 5
Analyze the following function and choose the statement that best describes it.
  1. It is an example of a decorator that accepts its own arguments.
  2. It is an example of decorator stacking.
  3. It is an example of a decorator that can trigger an infinite recursion.
  4. The function is erroneous.
Correct answer: A
In the given code snippet, the repeat function is a decorator that takes an argument num_times specifying the number of times the decorated function should be called.The repeat function returns an inner function wrapper_repeat that takes a function func as an argument and returns another inner function wrapper that calls func num_times times.The provided code snippet represents an example of a decorator that accepts its own arguments.The @decorator_function syntax is used to apply the decorator_function to the some_function function. The decorator_function takes an argument arg1 and defines an inner function wrapper_function that takes the original function func as its argument.The wrapper_function then returns the result of calling func, along with the arg1 argument passed to the decorator_function.Here is an example of how to use this decorator with some_function:@decorator_function("argument 1") def some_function(): return "Hello world" When some_function is called, it will first be passed as an argument to the decorator_function.The decorator_function then adds the string "argument 1" to the result of calling some_function() and returns the resulting string. In this case, the final output would be "Hello world argument 1".Reference:Official Python documentation on Decorators:
In the given code snippet, the repeat function is a decorator that takes an argument num_times specifying the number of times the decorated function should be called.
The repeat function returns an inner function wrapper_repeat that takes a function func as an argument and returns another inner function wrapper that calls func num_times times.
The provided code snippet represents an example of a decorator that accepts its own arguments.
The @decorator_function syntax is used to apply the decorator_function to the some_function function. The decorator_function takes an argument arg1 and defines an inner function wrapper_function that takes the original function func as its argument.
The wrapper_function then returns the result of calling func, along with the arg1 argument passed to the decorator_function.
Here is an example of how to use this decorator with some_function:
@decorator_function("argument 1") def some_function(): return "Hello world" When some_function is called, it will first be passed as an argument to the decorator_function.
The decorator_function then adds the string "argument 1" to the result of calling some_function() and returns the resulting string. In this case, the final output would be "Hello world argument 1".
Official Python documentation on Decorators:
Question 6
Analyze the following snippet and select the statement that best describes it.
  1. The code is syntactically correct despite the fact that the names of the function parameters do not follow the naming convention
  2. The *arg parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters
  3. The code is missing a placeholder for unnamed parameters.
Correct answer: B
The provided code snippet defines a function f1 that accepts variable-length arguments using the *args and **kwargs syntax. The *args parameter allows for an arbitrary number of unnamed arguments to be passed to the function as a tuple, while the **kwargs parameter allows for an arbitrary number of named arguments to be passed to the function as a dictionary.Therefore, the correct statement that best describes the code is:1. The *args parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters, while the **kwargs parameter holds a dictionary of named parameters.Reference:Official Python documentation on Function definitions: The arg parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters. In the given code snippet, the f1 function takes two arguments: *arg and **kwarg. The *arg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of non-keyword (positional) arguments to the function. Inside the function, arg is a tuple containing the positional arguments passed to the function. The **kwarg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of keyword arguments to the function. Inside the function, kwarg is a dictionary containing the keywordarguments passed to the function.
The provided code snippet defines a function f1 that accepts variable-length arguments using the *args and **kwargs syntax. The *args parameter allows for an arbitrary number of unnamed arguments to be passed to the function as a tuple, while the **kwargs parameter allows for an arbitrary number of named arguments to be passed to the function as a dictionary.
Therefore, the correct statement that best describes the code is:
1. The *args parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters, while the **kwargs parameter holds a dictionary of named parameters.
Official Python documentation on Function definitions: The arg parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters. In the given code snippet, the f1 function takes two arguments: *arg and **kwarg. The *arg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of non-keyword (positional) arguments to the function. Inside the function, arg is a tuple containing the positional arguments passed to the function. The **kwarg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of keyword arguments to the function. Inside the function, kwarg is a dictionary containing the keyword
arguments passed to the function.
Question 7
Analyze the following snippet and decide whether the code is correct and/or which method should be distinguished as a class method.
  1. There is only one initializer, so there is no need for a class method.
  2. The getNumberofCrosswords () method should be decorated With @classmethod.
  3. The code is erroneous.
Correct answer: B
The correct answer is B. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod. In the given code snippet, the getNumberofCrosswords method is intended to be a class method that returns the value of the numberofcrosswords class variable. However, the method is not decorated with the @classmethod decorator and does not take a cls parameter representing the class itself. To make getNumberofCrosswords a proper class method, it should be decorated with @classmethod and take a cls parameter as its first argument.1. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod.This is because the getNumberofCrosswords() method is intended to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords, but it is defined as an instance method, which requires an instance of the class to be created before it can be called. To make it work as a class-level method, you can define it as a class method by adding the @classmethod decorator to the function.numberofcrosswords = 0def __init__(self, author, title) = authorself.title = titleCrossword.numberofcrosswords += 1@classmethoddef getNumberofCrosswords(cls):return cls.numberofcrosswords this example, getNumberofCrosswords() is defined as a class method using the @classmethod decorator, and the cls parameter is used to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords.Reference:Official Python documentation on Classes: Python documentation on Classes:
The correct answer is B. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod. In the given code snippet, the getNumberofCrosswords method is intended to be a class method that returns the value of the numberofcrosswords class variable. However, the method is not decorated with the @classmethod decorator and does not take a cls parameter representing the class itself. To make getNumberofCrosswords a proper class method, it should be decorated with @classmethod and take a cls parameter as its first argument.
1. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod.
This is because the getNumberofCrosswords() method is intended to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords, but it is defined as an instance method, which requires an instance of the class to be created before it can be called. To make it work as a class-level method, you can define it as a class method by adding the @classmethod decorator to the function.
numberofcrosswords = 0
def __init__(self, author, title): = author
self.title = title
Crossword.numberofcrosswords += 1
def getNumberofCrosswords(cls):
return cls.numberofcrosswords this example, getNumberofCrosswords() is defined as a class method using the @classmethod decorator, and the cls parameter is used to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords.
Official Python documentation on Classes:
Official Python documentation on Classes:
Question 8
Analyze the code and choose the best statement that describes it.
  1. ___ne___() is not a built-in special method
  2. The code is erroneous
  3. The code is responsible for the support of the negation operator e.g. a = - a.
  4. The code is responsible for the support of the inequality operator i.e. i =
Correct answer: D
The correct answer is D. The code is responsible for the support of the inequality operator i.e. i != j.In the given code snippet, the __ne__ method is a special method that overrides the behavior of the inequality operator != for instances of the MyClass class. When the inequality operator is used to compare two instances of MyClass, the __ne__ method is called to determine whether the two instances are unequal.
The correct answer is D. The code is responsible for the support of the inequality operator i.e. i != j.
In the given code snippet, the __ne__ method is a special method that overrides the behavior of the inequality operator != for instances of the MyClass class. When the inequality operator is used to compare two instances of MyClass, the __ne__ method is called to determine whether the two instances are unequal.
Question 9
Which function or operator should you use to obtain the answer True or False to the question: "Do two variables refer to the same object?"
  1. The = operator
  2. The isinstanceO function
  3. The id () function
  4. The is operator
Correct answer: D
To test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory, you should use the is operator.The is operator returns True if the two variables point to the same object in memory, and False otherwise.For example:a = [1, 2, 3]b = ac = [1, 2, 3]print(a is b) # Trueprint(a is c) # FalseIn this example, a and b refer to the same list object in memory, so a is b returns True. On the other hand, a and c refer to two separate list objects with the same values, so a is c returns False.Reference:Official Python documentation onComparisons: Official Python documentation on Identity comparisons: is operator is used to test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory. If two variables x and y refer to the same object, the expression x is y will evaluate to True. Otherwise, it will evaluate to False.
To test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory, you should use the is operator.
The is operator returns True if the two variables point to the same object in memory, and False otherwise.
For example:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
c = [1, 2, 3]
print(a is b) # True
print(a is c) # False
In this example, a and b refer to the same list object in memory, so a is b returns True. On the other hand, a and c refer to two separate list objects with the same values, so a is c returns False.
Official Python documentation on
Comparisons: Official Python documentation on Identity comparisons: is operator is used to test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory. If two variables x and y refer to the same object, the expression x is y will evaluate to True. Otherwise, it will evaluate to False.
Question 10
Which sentence about the ©property decorator is false?
  1. The ©property decorator should be defined after the method that is responsible for setting an encapsulated attribute.
  2. The @property decorator designates a method which is responsible for returning an attribute value
  3. The ©property decorator marks the method whose name will be used as the name of the instance attribute
  4. The ©property decorator should be defined before the methods that are responsible for setting and deleting an encapsulated attribute
Correct answer: A
The @property decorator should be defined after the method that is responsible for setting an encapsulated attribute is a false sentence. In fact, the @property decorator should be defined before the method that is used to set the attribute value. The @property decorator and the setter and deleter methods work together to create an encapsulated attribute, which is used to provide control over the attribute's value.Reference:Official Python documentation onProperty: @property decorator is used to designate a method as a getter for an instance attribute. The method decorated with @property should be defined before any setter or deleter methods for the same attribute.
The @property decorator should be defined after the method that is responsible for setting an encapsulated attribute is a false sentence. In fact, the @property decorator should be defined before the method that is used to set the attribute value. The @property decorator and the setter and deleter methods work together to create an encapsulated attribute, which is used to provide control over the attribute's value.
Official Python documentation on
The @property decorator is used to designate a method as a getter for an instance attribute. The method decorated with @property should be defined before any setter or deleter methods for the same attribute.

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